Yoga Stretch #4: Hip Opener

Hello! Thank you so much for checking out my Yoga Stretch series! If you watched the video I hope you found it helpful and if you haven’t watched it yet I encourage you to check it out. Down below you’ll find a list of all the poses, detailed breakdown and information, as well as reference images.

  1. Butterfly
  2. Fire Log
  3. Low Lunge
  4. Lizard
  5. Wide Leg Child’s Pose
  6. Hero
  7. Seated Figure Four (w/ twist)
  8. Windshield Wiper Legs
  9. Garland
  10. Frog
  11. Pigeon
  12. Happy Baby
  13. Reclined Cobblers

Pose Breakdown:

  1. Butterfly/ Bound Angle (Baddha Konasana)
    • Sit on the ground with the soles of the feet together and knees out wide. Try to sit with a tall spine. You can hold on to your shins, ankles, or feet. Start to bend forward, trying to maintain a flat back as long as you can.
    • Benefits: stretches inner thigh, opens hips, and can ease low back pain
    • Hold at least 5-10 breaths

2. Fire Log

  • Start in Butterfly with soles of feet together. Place your right leg over your left. The goal is to place the ankle over the knee, squaring off in both knees.
  • Benefits: stretches and opens the hip and groin

3. Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

  • Start on your knees and step one foot forward. Front knee should not be extended over the front foot- keep it stacked over each other to protect the joints. Leave the back knee on the ground. Gently press down into this stretch without dumping all of your weight into your hips. You can place your hands on the floor, blocks (or another prop like books), or your thigh.
  • Benefits: stretches the quads, glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors; strengthens hip flexors, core, ankles, glutes, and quads
  • If you have any knee pain, you can fold up your mat or place a blanket or pillow under your knee for padding.

4. Lizzard ( Utthan Pristhasana)

  • Start in a low lunge. Walk the front foot to the edge of your mat. Place both hands on the mat under your shoulders. Back knee should be down. If you want to get a deeper stretch, go onto your knees. For more, raise the back knee.
  • Benefits: opens hips; stretches hamstring, groin, and hip flexor; strengthens inner thigh, core, and shoulders

5. Wide Leg Child’s Pose (Balasana)

  • Sit with your knees as wide as your yoga mat and feet together. Lay your chest forward on your legs or the ground. Hands are stretched above your head.
  • Benefits: stretches ankle, thighs, and back; helps lower heart rate
  • Hold as long as you’d like!
  • Avoid if pregnant or have a knee injury

6. Reclined Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

  • Start seated with legs tucked under. Move your calves out from under you so you are sitting directly on the ground. Using your hands and forearms, lower your torso onto the ground. Use your hands to press up when getting out of this pose.
  • Benefits: stretches quads, knee joint, abdomen, ankles, and hip flexors
  • This should be avoided if you have a serious knee, back, or ankle pain or injury.
  • To add a heart opener to this stretch ~ place a bolster, block, or pillow under your back.

7. Seated Figure Four (w/ twist)

  • Sit with feet on the ground and knees bent. Cross the right ankle over the left thigh. The closer the foot on the ground is to your butt, the more intense the stretch in your outer hip will be. To add the twist, drop the right foot onto the ground while keeping your torso pointed towards the ceiling. Repeat on the other side.
  • Benefits: stretches outer hip, chest opener, spinal twist, and low back release

8. Windshield Wiper Legs

  • Sit with feet on the ground and legs bent with knees up. Drop both legs over to the left, back through center, and then over to the right. Do this motion several times.
  • Benefits: gentle hip massage and opener, helps to release tension in the hip joint

9. Garland (Malasana)

  • Start standing. Walk feet as wide as your yoga mat and slightly angle toes out. Squat down lowering your center towards the ground. Place palms together in namaste hands. Press elbows into knees. Heels may be on the ground or slightly lifted.
  • Benefits: stretches groin, thighs, hips, and ankles; builds core and ankle strength
  • If this pose isn’t working, you can keep this pose but sit on a block, pillow, book, etc. Another option is to bring the toes together for a low squat that way.
  • Avoid if you have bad knees

10. Frog (Mandukasana)

  • Start on hands and knees. Place elbows where your hands just were. Start to widen your knees out. Try to keep the angle between the calves and thighs at 90 degrees. If this is too intense, do one leg at a time.
  • Benefits: deep inner thigh and groin stretch; lengthens spine; strengthens core, back, and shoulders

11. Pigeon (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)

  • Start in tabletop. Bring one knee up and in between your hands. Slide your back foot and leg back a little so you can rest on the ground. Scoot the front foot as far away from your hips as comfortable. Either stay upright on your fingertips/palms, come down onto your forearms, or fully lay your torso on the ground. Repeat on the other side.
  • Benefits: stretches groin, quads, hip flexors, ankle, chest, and shoulders; strengthens core and back muscles
  • To deepen the stretch, bend the back leg up and grab the back foot. Gently pull it towards your glute. This will target a deeper quad stretch.
  • To modify~ place a block, towel, blanket, or pillow under your hips for added support.
  • Remember it’s important to have your hips level, so definitely modify as needed.

12. Happy Baby (Ananda Balasana)

  • Lay on your back and hug your knees to your chest. Reach your hands between your knees to grab the outside of your feet. Draw your knees towards your shoulders.
  • Benefits: Stretches inner groin, hamstring, and spine; hip opener
  • Tip: tuck your tailbone to lengthen your spine and protect your back
  • If this is too intense, you can do one leg at a time.
  • Avoid if pregnant.
  • Hold 5-10 breaths

13. Reclined Cobbler’s Pose (Supta Baddha Kanasana)

  • Lay on your back with your feet together and knees wide.
  • Benefits: stretches inner thigh, groin, and knees
  • For additional support, you can tuck a blanket or pillow under your knees or thighs.
  • Hold 5-10 breaths

Check back next Monday, March 29th for Yoga Stretch #5: Tight Shoulders!

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