Yoga Stretch #2: Upper Body

Hello! Thank you so much for checking out my Yoga Stretch series! If you watched the video I hope you found it helpful and if you haven’t watched it yet I encourage you to check it out. Down below you’ll find a list of all the poses, detailed breakdown and information, as well as reference images.

  1. Seated twist
  2. Side bend
  3. Reverse namaste hands
  4. Eagle arms
  5. Body circles
  6. Arm across body “gym stretch”
  7. Bicep stretch
  8. Cat-cow
  9. Thread needle
  10. Down dog
  11. Ragdoll
  12. Standing side body stretch
  13. Hands clasped shoulder rinse
  14. Puppy pose
  15. Cobra
  16. Shoulder and neck rolls

1. Seated twist

  • Place one hand on the opposite knee. The other hand is behind you either with palm down or on your finger tips. Gently twist and maybe look over your back shoulder. Think of sitting taller and lengthening through the spine on the inhale and twisting a little deeper on the exhale.
  • Benefits: Spinal mobility and rinse; stretches the neck, chest, shoulders, obliques, and back; opens hips; eases low back pain
  • Hold 3-5 breaths per side*

2. Seated side bends

  • Start seated and place one hand on the ground next to you. Raise your opposite arm in the air and bend to the opposite side.
  • Benefits: hip opener; oblique, abs, and hip flexor stretch
  • Hold 3-5 breaths

3. Reverse namaste hands

  • Actively press palms together so your elbows go out side to side, finger tips facing up. Slowly start to rotate your fingers away from your body, towards the ground.
  • Benefits: forearm and wrist stretch, wrist strengthener
  • Hold 3-5 breaths

4. Eagle arms (Garudasana)

  • Hold your arms out so they are shoulder height. Start by crossing your right arm over the left. Bend your elbows so your hands come up. If you are able, wrap your hands together so palms begin to touch. If this is not available to you, keep the arms up so backs of the hands are together or place opposite hand on opposite shoulder. Repeat with opposite arm on top.
  • Benefits: upper back and shoulder stretch, improves posture
  • Can do this sitting or standing
  • Hold 3-5 breaths per side

5. Body Circles

  • Sit on the ground or a chair with a straight spine. Lean your chest forward and make circles going over one knee, through the back, over the other knee, and through the front. Spine can stay straight or take some cat/cow spinal movements. Reverse your circle.
  • Benefits: hip opener, hip mobility, spinal and core massage

6. Arm over body

  • Move arm across body and use the opposite arm to gently press the other arm closer to your body. Drop the shoulder of the arm across your body away from your ear.
  • Benefits: deltoid, trap, and neck stretch

7. Bicep stretch

  • Bend one arm behind your back with the elbow pointing up. Gently tug that arm back with your other hand.
  • Benefits: opens chest and stretches bicep
  • Hold 3-5 breaths per side

8. Cat-Cow (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

  • Start on hands and knees. Hands should be spread wide and placed so they are underneath elbows and shoulders. The hips should be inline with the knees. On an inhale drop your belly and look forwards. Exhale round the spine, pressing away from the ground, like a Halloween cat. Take this rotation following your breath.
  • Benefits: stretches front of torso and neck, gentle spinal massage, low back and shoulder stretch
  • This is a good place to explore and find movement. You can take hip circles, look past your shoulder, core work, etc.
  • Take as many rotations of cat-cow that feel good!

9. Thread needle and twist

  • Start in tabletop (on hands and knees). Raise your right arm and twist to the right. Lower the right arm and “thread the needle” by bringing it underneath your left arm. Rest on your right shoulder with the right arm fully extended on the ground, palm face up. The left arm can stay bent or extended above your head. Repeat on the other side.
  • Benefits: Deltoid, traps, oblique, back, and shoulder stretch; low back release
  • Hold 5-10 breaths

10. Down dog  (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

  • Start standing and bend your knees as you bend forward. Place your hands on the ground and walk them out. Lift hips up and back. Press into palms and fingers firmly. Your feet touching the ground is not the main point of this stretch, elongating the spine and stretching the legs is!
  • Benefits: stretches calf, hamstring, spine, and shoulders; core strength
  • You can “walk your dog” which is peddling your feet to get a deeper stretch in our calves.
  • Hold 5-10 breaths

11. Ragdoll (Uttanasana)

  • Start standing and bend forward. You can keep your legs straight or bend them generously. Clasp opposite elbows and dangle. Relax your neck and allow your head to drop, Feet can be hip width apart or flush together.
  • Benefits: stretches hamstrings, calves, low back; improves balance
  • Hold 5-10 breaths
  • Roll up slowly to avoid a headrush

12. Standing side body stretch

  • Stand with feet either together or hip width apart. Place one hand on your hip and raise your opposite arm in the air. Bend to the side.
  • Benefits: hip opener; oblique, abs, and hip flexor stretch
  • A standing side body stretch will target more of the hip flexors and lower obliques than seated will.
  • Hold 3-5 breaths

13. Hands clasped w/ shoulder rinse

  • Start standing with feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent. Clasp hands behind your back. Palms can either be squared or flush together. Actively draw our knuckles towards the ground and lift your chest. Breath here for a few breaths. Then start to hinge forward with bent knees, leaving your hands clasped. Come into a forward fold posture with your hands clasped.
  • Benefits: shoulder and chest opener, improve posture
  • Control the release of your hands to avoid a “slingshot” effect in the arms.
  • Hold 5 breaths for both standing and forward fold

14. Puppy pose (Uttana Shishosana)

  • Start in a tabletop posture. Place elbows directly where your palms just were (under shoulders). Walk knees back so your chest starts to melt towards the ground.
  • Benefits: heart opener; stretches spine, shoulders, and obliques
  • If you have a knee injury, either avoid this posture altogether or you can fold up your mat or place a blanket under your knees for extra padding.
  • Try to hold 5-10 breaths

15. Cobra (Bhujangasana)

  • Lay on your stomach. Slide hands in line with your armpits. Press elbows firmly into your side body. Tuck chin slightly and press up.
  • Benefits: improve posture; low back relief; stretches abdomen, neck, spine, and chest; strengthens arms, shoulders, and back
  • Ease off of the stretch and lower closer to the ground if you feel any pinching in the low back.
  • Hold 3-5 breaths

16. Shoulder and neck rolls

  • Roll your shoulders forward and back. Take circles with your head, imagining your drawing a circle in the air with your nose.
  • Benefits: loosens and relaxes neck and shoulder muscles

Check back next week for Yoga Stretch #3: Lower Body!

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